Congregation Beth Israel Services

Shabbat Services & Torah Reading. 5:30 P.M. Shabbat kicks off with a wine and cheese social followed by the 6:00 P.M. service, which includes that week’s Torah portion.

Other Shabbat services are led by members of Congregation Beth Israel.

Shabbat Discussion Groups/Education Programs: Have you ever been curious about how Torah relates to today’s current events? Come visit with Congregation Beth Israel for a spirited and educational overview on what it means to be Jewish, while we dive into the weekly Torah portion and discuss other current events. We also offer youth education programs for children of all ages, which helps students develop a deeper understanding of Jewish culture, as well as how to read and write in Hebrew. Programs are available to youth and adults who are seeking to better understand our amazing journey and our rich Jewish history.

High Holidays Services: Congregation Beth Israel provides members and guests with a menu of High Holiday prayer services, including: Rosh Hashana, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur and Yizkor.

Life Cycle Services: As we all know, life is full of surprises along with ups and downs. Sometimes we welcome a newborn child into the world. Perhaps a family member or friend is getting married, celebrating a special anniversary or a “simcha.” And sometimes, we pray for someone in need or mourn the loss of a loved one. To help make this transition as smooth as possible, Rabbi Goldstein makes himself available to officiate and/or counsel during these “life” moments.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training: Get your child prepared for one of the biggest rites of passage with Congregation Beth Israel’s personalized Bar/Bat Mitzvah training class. Your child will receive the personal attention and education they need to begin their journey into Jewish adulthood.